Friday, January 30, 2009

We keep biggering and biggering and biggering is what we do

We had a Dr's appointment yesterday where we had to get weighed in.. some women may not want to put the lb's on.. but I LOVE to put the lb's on. I went from 6.8 lbs two weeks ago to 7.11lbs this week. My brother on the other hand, he's very talented.. he went from 8.6lbs two weeks ago to 9.12lbs. Mommy and Daddy keep calling him Frank the Tank... or just the Tank. They are silly.

We had a great time at the Dr... we kept messing all over the table making Mommy and Daddy jump up and clean us up.. they kept getting embarassed.. but the lady said it happens all the time... and here I thought I was special.

Doctor says we are doing great, we keep making eye contact with Mommy and Daddy and we are starting to smile a little. No, it's not gas.. it's the real thing.. just don't expect it..we like to surprise you.

Hopefully we will have more to post next week... THANK GOODNESS ITS FRIDAY!!! We love the weekends because Daddy doesn't have to work and he plays with us like crazy. He dresses me up in my pretty clothes and takes pictures.. and makes the best noises.. I SO can't wait. I am going to get up really early Saturday morning just so that I won't miss a minute of the weekend.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's Been a MONTH.. Ronan's perspective

Wow.. we have been around for a month already.. and boy has a lot happened.

After we came home from the hospital, we spent some time getting to know our big brother, Jackson. He's the greatest big brother.. he holds us and gives us kisses all of the time. We met our fur sister, Lindsey.. Mom and Dad were really excited for us to meet her.. she keeps us clean and always makes sure that she lets Mommy know when we are crying. My sister, Ava, gave my parents a scare on Christmas Eve.. we had to go BACK to the nursery where she was told she was too yellow. They wanted us to go BACK again to the nursery on Christmas Day and if she was more yellow.. we would have all had to stay there for 2 days!!! Luckily, we had an amazing nurse, Elizabeth, who found us a glow bug blanket to wear at home.. Elizabeth was our Christmas Angel.. she made sure that we could all be home together for Christmas.. Mommy and Daddy are going to do something very very special for her. Mommy always gets teary when she starts talking about Elizabeth and everything she did for us on Christmas.

So what have been up to for an entire month?? We have had tons of visitors.. Grammy T, Grammy Pantz (aka Pelloni), Aunty Kathy, Aunty Yo, Michael Ronan, Uncle Rob Michele Campbell, all of our cousins, our wonderful neighbors, Grampy Pantz (Grampy Sean), Uncle Austin, Aunty Anz, Big Papi (Grampy Tullis),Grammy Tullis, Aunt Tracey, Angela, the Field Family, Uncle Jason, my Brother's Grandparents (Grandmama and Grandaddy Bower), and our family from Dover, Kelly, Kristy, and Addie.. (we can't wait to play with her!!) and we have done some visiting. Mom and Dad took us to go see our Great Grandparents before they left for Florida.. personally.. I wish that they packed me and brought me w/ them because I would like to be warm like when we were in Mommy's belly... and I keep hearing how Florida is warm.

Having Ava and I eating, pooping and sleeping at the same time can sometimes be difficult so Grammy T and Grammy Pantz have done a great job of being here and helping Mommy and Daddy out. They were even able to go out on a date.. I hope they weren't thinking of having more babies.. I kind of like being in the spotlight..well when my sister isn't in it. She tends to hog it.

I bet you are wondering how big we are now.. seeing that we were so small when we were born.. well.. I am a bruiser.. my parents call me FRANK THE TANK, Frankie, Junior, Mini Mike (I guess I look like Daddy) and Buddy. So.. you can probably guess I am on the bigger side. In my last weigh in.. I came in at 8.6lbs, most of that was gained in two weeks! I like to eat... I like to eat so much! I LOVE the booby milk.. love it so much it makes me fall asleep... and I love to get it all over my face and then spit it back up. Gross huh.. well I AM a boy.

My Sister.. she came in at 6.8lbs.. mostly gained in 2 weeks.. she is alot smaller than me.. but she packs a punch. She hogs our bed and steals attention w/ her chubby cheeks. My parents call her P-Nut, Bean and Baby girl.. she has HUGE cheeks and big big eyes... she likes the booby milk too..but just doesn't advertise it as much as I do..she takes her time when she eats.. she's a good girl. Mom and Dad might start playing favorites soon.. she has been sleeping 6 hours a night for the past few nights.. seeing that I am "THE TANK".. I have to get up around 4am to get some of that milk in .. and then I am off to dream land again.

We have been on a few adventures.. Grocery Shopping, Circuit City and our every weekend we sleep through our brother's basketball games. We rally every Saturday and get really excited to see him play.. to see our cousin Addie.. but the ride there takes everything out of us. We think Mom and Dad like it that way.. I wonder why? We went to "work" (what is that?) to go visit our friends from PC Connection. We met so many people there, I think I forgot their names.. BUT, I do remember meeting two people who really sounded familar to me, David Mitchell and Jade. As soon as we got there, David Mitchell was holding me.. it was really nice to finally meet him. Mommy spent alot of time working next to him.. it was like I had always known him. We met Jade a few minutes later.. and again it felt like I had always known her.. she kept saying I was so small.. she must know some big babies or something. I hope I get to see more of them.. they are really nice and Mommy seems to be very very fond of them. It was fun meeting all of the different people from PC Connection... hopefully Mommy and Daddy will take us back over there so I can flash them my smile.. maybe I will end up in the catalog or something.

The past month has been fun.. we love our new home.. and we love that our family is always coming to see us. Daddy has been using his new camera to take lots of pictures so that everyone can see us. We love getting company...especially sleepovers (hint hint). We hope to meet some more friends soon and to see more of our family. We are working on lots of things right now.. like tummy time to strengthen our bodies, we are working on sleeping through the night, I personally am working on trying to get Mommy to make me a steak (I swear my gums and can get through one and they smell soooo good!!), Ava is working on playing with her doll a little more and I hear that she is getting a tutu soon (what in the world is she going to do with that). I am hoping that Brother is going to teach me a few tricks... he's very tricky, that Jackson.. and hopefully he will bring me out in the snow so that we can play.

We will have lots of updates this month.. Mommy has been slacking and finally got the blog up. We have been telling her too but she's been a slacker.. I wonder why.

Here are some of our favorite pictures.. as you can see we have been changing alot and Dad has had a TON of fun taking pictures of us.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Our Birth Story- Ava's perspective

We were born on December 19th, 2008.. just in time for Christmas and for our parents to get a break on taxes. I was a tiny baby.. 4.10lbs.. and was born at 1:20pm had to be under the warmer and needed an IV.. I didn't get to see my Mom until MIDNIGHT. We were born in the OR and my parents tell me that there were 10 people in the room for our birthdays! I was a little stubborn coming out.. where as my brother was a piece of cake.. a little forshadowing of our futures.. probably. My Grammie Pelloni and my Daddy made sure that I was never alone while in the nursery. I was a trooper though.. I was able to get off the IV and out of the warmer on the 20th.. so that I could join my brother and the party they were having in their room.

My brother, Ronan, was born at 11:55AM.. on the same day as me.. that makes him my big brother..I have two big brothers. He was much bigger than me 6.0lbs. Daddy fed him and changed his diapers right away.. he made really really funny noises from the start. He was able to spend alot of time w/ Mommy and Daddy in their room.. but for some reason they kept sending us both back at night time where the nurses would feed us and burp us.

We were in the hospital for 4 days.. not enough time if you ask me. I wanted to spend a little more time being told how cute I was.. and being swaddled by the pros... plus I was a little yellow and wished I could have been under the lights to spare my poor parents some Christmas eve stress. While we were at the hospital we were visited by so many people.. and had very memorable times.. Uncle Jason and Aunty Yo came to visit and threw a Christmas party for all of us. Ronan didn't get to attend the entire party because he had to get the old snip snip which made Daddy very sad... I think Uncle Jason was sad too.

Our Birthday was quite the event.. so many people sent us flowers.. and wished us well.. Makes us feel kind of special. Well at least I know I am really special.. not so sure about that Brother of mine.. he's loud and I have to share a bed with him.. and he keeps dutch ovening me.. I hate that.

Here are a few pictures of our big birthday and a couple of days after.. enjoy!